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Il Gabbiano

Long Wharf
501 Long wharf Drive

200 Crown Street

687 State Street

220 College Street

65 Broadway Street

63 Orange Street
Tre Scalini

Wooster Square
100 Wooster Street

964 Chapel Street

CITA Park Downtown New Haven’s Beer Garden

Thirsty for something refreshing after a long summer day? Look no further than CITA Park, downtown’s exclusive beer garden open Thursdays through Sundays through October. More than a mere gathering spot, CITA Park champions a progressive craft beer scene with a focus on BIPOC-owned beverages and food vendors. Their lineup of events, both free and […]

6 Ways to Spend a Family Day in the East Rock Neighborhood

Looking for a fun-filled family adventure? Look no further than the neighborhood of East Rock, home to some of the best bites in town and some engaging activities for families of every size and age. This itinerary is complete with good eats, educational experiences, a bit of shopping, a walk around the park, and finally, […]

3 Rooftops to Checkout in Downtown

Good eating is hard work, you’ve earned a nightcap. Check out downtown’s best rooftops for a Manhattan or a main character moment. Elm City Social: Indulge in seasonally inspired menus that can only be described as comfort food with a flavorful twist in a historic building evoking the spirit of the 1920s. Siena at High George: A […]